Massive Networking Opportunities For Everyone! Go to #roles channel to become one of these roles and then you turn your ideas into reality or you can join project's other teams to become a core team member!


Founders Are the leaders of the project and guide decisions for your project! Can create projects as branches of FundsFi. Which will be approved by FundsFi!

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Funders Investors who will support and Fund projects with FundsFi.

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Developers Can be paid to develop products for branch projects of FundsFi and or join core team of those proejcts! Core team of FundsFi & FundsFi Community Developers can develop products for you!

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Innovators Are people who can generate unique ideas to the table and are willing help & take part in developing some amazing projects.

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Networkers Funders & Networkers can work really well together to raise and bring awareness of your project. Networkers will develop deep connections within harmony & other projects to secure massive partnerships.

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Community Mangers/Community Fungers Are community mangers. People who will manage the community, have AMA's with other project's, manage partnerships etc.

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In short words you can create massive projects out of FundsFi with the NETWORK. FundsFi can help you turn your dreams into reality.

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