0x135f763C5Fa7354f62B2b5BeC662Daa3f69c80DC - Official Contract Address


FundsFi is a HRC20 Token on the Harmony Blockchain.

Total Supply: 1 Billion

The supply will be cut in half of the remaining amount after the presale rounds are over.


  • Buy, Sell & Mint NFT's without having to worry about price volatility.

  • Utilities in partnered project

  • Funding for P2E games & other projects

  • Holding $FUNDS will be required in the future to access dapps & protocols! (Eg. $10 worth of $FUNDS)

  • Utilities within NETWORK & Community Teams & FundsFi Branches

  • Private guild access to HOLDERS of $FUNDS and our NFT's.

Our Dapps is protocols we will be launching in the future like lending protocols, DEX etc and this has a allocation of 20%.

This includes all activities that may need allocation of $FUNDS that are not yet discovered or planned to launch in the future.

There can be proposals made to change these allocations.

We will only be taking 1% of total supply to ourselves and will likely invest it back into the project.

1% currently = 10 Million

These are all locked and there is a vesting period about realising the tokens to the team. Vesting Period:

Amount of tokens released every month: Decided by the impact of sell off if the tokens are sold.

The maximum threshold is 2% sell off.


All tokens will be released onto the market as we gain more revenue and grow, to ensure that $FUNDS doesn't dilute itself.

Meaning as we make more money and grow we will keep adding more liquidity to the pair and keep releasing more $FUNDS onto the market.

Last updated