FundsFi NFT's

Game changing NFT's coming very soon.

Multiple NFT Collections

  1. Dogios NFT

You can go to or to mint the Dogios NFT!( If you get an error of Page Not Found then just click back to our site in the mint tab and mint the Dogios NFT.

2. Many More Coming Soon!

Some Utilities:

  • Special Benefits in certain projects by holding certain NFT's. Like access to special channels, roles, special project benefits that you get for holding the NFT but with multiple projects or just one.

  • NFT Staking Rewards with Partnered Projects or with us.

  • NFT Farming Rewards with Partnered Projects or with us.

Supporting All Artists

We are supporting all artists and helping hop onto to the Harmony Blockchain!

You can create your very own collection filled with randomly generated and unique art pieces made by you!

Using our engine you can generate upto 100K pieces and we will help you deploy it as a collection on a smart contract on the Harmony Network!

Many More Utilities Coming Very Soon.

Last updated